Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information


The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), provides California residents rights to opt-out of “sale” and “sharing.” If you are a resident of other US states that give you rights to opt out of “sale,” “sharing” and/or use of personal information for “targeted advertising,” you may also find this information helpful. is an ecommerce destination that allows consumers to browse and purchase products relating to movies and series streamed on the Netflix service. As used in this article, “Shop” means the ecommerce destination located at [(together with any mobile versions, and any successor sites), regardless of how accessed], together with all features and functionalities, user interfaces, as well as all content and software associated with such. 


Shop may engage in certain marketing activities (such as behavioral advertisements promoting the Shop through use of cookies) using identifiers, which may constitute a “sale,” “sharing” and/or “targeted advertising” under the US State Privacy Laws. Please visit the Netflix Shop Privacy Statement to learn more.


This article explains how the Shop provides you with meaningful choices regarding the information we may collect about you. Below, we describe controls that you can access in connection with the Shop, whether you have an account with us or not. We may update this article from time to time to reflect changes.


If you are not logged in when you access Shop, we do not associate your access with a Shop account. As a result, our ability to identify you is limited. However, your devices, web browsers, or apps may give you the ability to control certain information Netflix might collect. 


Opt out of Sale and Sharing/Targeted Advertising

To opt out of “sale,” “sharing” and/or “targeted advertising,” click on the “Cookie Preferences” link in the footer of any Shop page and turn off advertising cookies. You may also use the settings on your browser, devices or apps to opt out of cookies. If you opt out of advertising cookies, you may still see Shop marketing messages promoting Shop, but they will not be based on information collected from advertising cookies. 


Global Privacy Control (GPC) / Universal Opt-out

Under certain US State Privacy Laws, businesses must respect opt-out signals received through a user selected web browser control indicating their choice to opt out of the sale, sharing, or use of personal information for targeted advertising, as specified by applicable law. The platforms and methods for sending and interpreting such a signal are not standardized and are currently evolving, with the only widely-recognized such signal being the Global Privacy Control (GPC).

Where required by applicable law, we have implemented methods to recognize and respond to a GPC signal on Shop and will opt you out of setting Advertising Cookies on that browser/device. If you access Shop from a different browser or from the same browser on a different device, you will need to send a GPC signal from that browser to opt out again.

For more information regarding how you can stop certain uses of personal information, you can review the following:


  • On managing emails from, please follow the unsubscribe links at the bottom of your most recent email correspondence from 
  • On managing text messages from, please follow the prompts in the most recent text message you might have received. Note that this may mean that you will no longer receive order status updates. 


If you have any other questions regarding the Shop or your orders, please visit our FAQ section


For details on your Netflix subscription, please visit or the FAQ section for the streaming subscription service.